ST Forge Spotlight: How We Would Run 'Eldritch Automata'
Eldritch Automata is the ambitious new TTRPG coming from Gehenna Games, that blends everything we love about psychological horror stories with everything we love about Mechs.
Storytelling Tips: Running The Black Ballad
A few useful tips from the STF team for all you Storytellers preparing to run The Black Ballad at home.
ST Forge: Storytelling for Cthulhu Dreamnt
Get ready to unravel your sanity with Cthulhu Dreamnt—a guide to improvisational storytelling, character mortality, and why indie TTRPGs are the beating heart of the role-playing universe.
Welcome to Talislanta—and why it’s Epic
Talislanta returns once more… read more about its ultimate edition and why it’s still just as badass.
ST Spotlight: La Notte Eterna
A featured look at La Notte Eterna, and how The Black Ballad Campaign fits perfectly.
ST Forge: Top Down Encounter Design
Some encounters are more personal and epic than most. You want to introduce something very specific to challenge your players, and not any old monster or mystery will do. Sometimes you need to design an encounter from the top down.
After Apotheosis, Introducing Storytellers Forge
Curious what happens next after Apotheosis Studios? Find out who we are and what our goal is at Storytellers Forge.
Who is Adam Ray
Adam Ray has contributed video and audio creations across the web for a very long time, and now their quest has lead them here. Read all about Storyteller’s Forge’s newest blog writer and their grand backstory.
ST Forge: How To Spin Improvised Lore
Creating new story details and titbits of lore is never easy. Improvising TTRPG Lore is a tricky thing to do, but brings rewarding moments to the players you're sharing the game with. Read here how to spin a tale off the cuff and use it again later in your game.
You Died. Now What?
The perfect adventure to run after you TPK (total party kill) your player’s characters. If death is an inevitable embrace for all adventurers, so too is resurrection.
ST Forge: 3 Tips for Running an Exciting Origin Campaign
ST FORGE! A quick hit guide to forging your storytelling craft.
This week, let’s talk about origins. Every villain begins somewhere…
ST Forge: Are alignments still relevant?
ST FORGE! A quick hit guide to forging your storytelling craft.
This time let’s talk about some alternative ways to use alignment or find out why it should be discarded entirely.
ST Forge: How to Add Players!
ST FORGE! A quick hit guide to forging your storytelling craft.
This week, learn some tips for adding fresh blood to your existing campaigns!
ST Forge: 3 Tips for your first Larp
ST FORGE! A quick hit guide to forging your storytelling craft.
This week, learn some tips for putting on a successful LARP experience! Click to find out more!
ST Forge: Positive PVP in 3 Easy Steps
ST FORGE! A quick hit guide to forging your storytelling craft.
This week, learn how to handle PVP at the table in 3 quick steps by clicking!
ST Forge: Making Villains ‘good’ in 3 steps
ST FORGE! A quick hit guide to forging your storytelling craft.
This week, learn how to craft lasting and compelling villains