Who is Adam Ray
We here at Storyteller's Forge are hard at work developing the tastiest new supplements for Dungeons and Dragons. I can't talk too much about what's going on behind the curtain, but it's all very exciting.
As for my place here in Storyteller's Forge, I'm here talking to little old you, dear reader. As we get ourselves started, there will be new supplements for your roleplaying games and little peeks into the wider TTRPG community and our collective place in it.
This post is the first in a series profiling some of the creators out there, or here in STF, doing work out there to develop things for our favourite kind of game. This might be a little egotistic, but allow me to introduce myself.
Adam Rolls Initiative
Me, catching some light reading…
Since I'm the newcomer here at Storyteller's Forge, and I was summoned by the founder Rick Heinz, I'm not a random from the street. I was once, but no longer.
I'm a long-standing TTRPG gamer from London England. I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons since school. A time so far in the fog of history that I can scarcely remember what life was like before the game.
A very tall friend of mine from the north of England approached me one day. He was the kind of person who bought a pair of aviator goggles on a dare, then wore them always. Always. He asked me if I had ever played, but when I told him I hadn't, I was sat down and handed a mountain of books and papers. A few hours later, Degemon Corvus was a Cleric to a dark goddess, wandering around a strange port town, saving it from floating living crystals.
Stupid school got in the way of quality gaming, so I played very little after that. The odd session here and there, but as everyone knows, the things that end D&D games more than anything isn't a TPK, it's bad scheduling. Nevertheless, as that stage of education ended and the next step (a creative writing degree) was in sight, a friend from those games asked me to start running games of my own.
Adam Starts Narrating
It took a very long time to develop that setting, and it's the setting I use for my high fantasy games. The group that asked me to game master for them had a fun session, but only one. We never met for games again, but I kept that setting for further games.
Throughout my degree, I paid as much attention to my studies as they needed, but the gaming society drew me out of my cave to roll dice and lay down cards. The friends I still have in my life are the ones I brought into my first games.
When my degree came to the end, I met the delightful ladies of No Ordinary Heroes. They had heard of my reputation and asked me to run games for them in the hope that their antics could be seen by the world.
We played to great success and had a lot of fun until that little bug closed the world. Gaming ground to a halt with the pandemic, but I was not done Dungeon-ing some Dragons.
Me as Dungeon Master for No Ordinary Heroes
Adam Creates Content
Being bored in lockdown meant I wrote about things that could be used for tabletop roleplaying games. I did it on behalf of a very cool, groundbreaking gaming studio which lead to me meeting Rick Heinz (the creator of this company).
During that time, I met the wild mind behind Biscuit Tin RPG. I gave him the idea for that name, and now our writing in the Menagerie of Madness is coming for whoever seeks tabletop gaming goodness. After that other company, which shall remain obvious but anonymous, faded into the background, I continued writing alongside my own website and the work I did reviewing Batman comics.
This all soundly brings us up to today. I am a human on a small planet, trying to make their way in the world of gaming. I'm grateful to be here. It's important for people who take in our content to know who it's coming from.
Adam Ray has created many weird and wonderful things across the interwebs. As founder of Fantastic Universes, they've brought pop culture news to many. They review DC Comics on Dark Knight News, gave commentary on the League of Legends card game, and spoke at length about all of it on The Fantastic Plays Podcast. They even play D&D with No Ordinary Heroes, games with The Hostile Atmosphere, and streamed on Twitch. Climb their Linktree to find all Adam's exploits!